Welcome to Hostiko, Providing Reliable Hosting Solutions


Welcome to Hostiko

About us

We have a blazing fast web hosting solution perfect for you!
Whether you have a low traffic, brand new blog or own a
popular business site, Hostiko has got you covered.

About The Company

Founded in 2017 by a few university friends, Hostiko gradually but steadily turned into a leading web hosting service provider.With only a handful of people working from their university dorm rooms in the beginning, today the company has more than 400 employees and is constantly growing.We process 1500+ Tickets, 1000+ Phone calls and 3000+ Chat requests per day. We proudly host more than 1,600,000 domains with this number growing by the hour.

Hostiko Guarantees

We are proud to guarantee a quality hosting experience or your money back.
A guarantee based on reality... who would have thought?!


Real People

Daily Backups

Safe & Secure

Meet Hostiko Team

When you have a question, you want to speak to a real person. At Hostiko, we offer REAL support. We hand-pick
our support team and only choose the most knowledgeable, friendly and patient technicians.

James Ronald

Team Leader

Swara Sachin

Sales Representative

Matt Keller

Senior Support Agent

Alexander Keith

Support Agent

Have Additional Question?

Feel Free to Consult with us over a Live Chat or Ticket System